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  The emulsion tube is a clever and important part of the flatslide carburettors as it holds a charge of fuel for a quicker throttle response. It screws into the carburettor body under the pilot/idle jet.  This should be the same or bigger than your idle jet.

Suitable for any Lambretta or Vespa fitted with a VHSH or VHSB flatslide carburettor.


This is a CD1 emulsion tube, which still holds a charge of fuel but is a 'straight through' tube (it doesn't have a size or any numbers)





Lambretta & Vespa emulsion mixer tube - CD1 - flat side VHSH, VHSB etc - CD1

£11.99 Regular Price
£7.99Sale Price
Sales Tax Included

    Lambretta upgrades Ltd.
    Company number 08307000                    VAT No: GB303939503


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